Article Written by: Caleb Ross

Daniel Santos is an artist from San Antonio, Texas; and started painting as a young child and went on to explore music. However, he decided to take his painting more seriously ten years ago. Santos was inspired by the works of Vasili Kandinsky and Mark Rothko and developed his style of abstract expressionism, which he calls “emotions and color.”

Santos is also knowledgeable in the fundamentals of painting, such as understanding the rules of acrylic and oil, as well as the use of different mediums. He gained advice from artist Daily Rothko, who has examined hundreds of thousands of paintings.

Painting Abstract Red Blue Black Candle Wax Daniel Santos Expressionist Artist in San Antonio Texas
“Untitled 11” (Red,Brown/Blue,Black) Painting by Daniel Santos

Santos believes that the lack of original art in people’s homes comes from the pricing of artwork. He acknowledges that artists need to make a living, and pricing is important. Still, he also emphasizes the importance of making a connection with the owner. He states that if the right person comes along, pricing should not be the main factor. Ultimately, Santos is striving to create art that can be appreciated and cherished for years to come.

Additionally, Daniel Santos discusses his journey to becoming an artist, his sources of inspiration, and his thoughts on the evolution of art. He talks about how fashion and art tend to recycle themselves and notes how modern artists often take inspiration from iconic figures like Warhol and Pollock.

Mike Anthony and Daniel Santos talking about Art, Painting, and Checking out hidden paintings from Artist Daniel Santos in San Antonio Texas
Mike Anthony & Daniel Santos in Santo’s Studio

He also speaks about how artists need to be themselves and be genuine to make an impact. He argues that when it comes to great works of art, it’s about the connection the artist can make with the audience, not the money.

He gives an example of an artist who covered buildings in Central Park in fabric and has been doing it since the 70s. He further explains that art is a muscle workout of sorts in that it requires practice to turn thoughts into reality.

Love and Truth Abstract Expressionist Artwork by Daniel Santos San Antonio Texas Artist
Artwork: “Love & Truth” by Daniel Santos

Santos emphasizes the importance of honing the ability to create something that is unique and comes from the heart. He believes that everyone has the same ability to think and create, and encourages everyone to make the most of their potential.

According to Santos, it is important to start with “why” when it comes to creating art — his ‘why’ is to make a connection with others. He also discussed the need to experience life to create meaningful art, and how it is important to remember the lifetime of work that goes into becoming an artist.

Blue Painting by Daniel Santos Featured at Blue Stars Art Complex in Modern Eclipse Art Gallery San Antonio Texas
Painting by Daniel Santos

Santos encourages artists not to be scared to share their art with the world and to keep their process open and share it with the world.

His inspiring words and advice are sure to be encouraging for aspiring artists. Santos recommends that artists commit to their craft and believes great art comes from going with the flow, sacrificing, and understanding their purpose. His dedication to his craft is a great way to gain insight into an artist’s creative process and learn how to make it in the art world.

Generally, in this interview with artist Daniel Santos, one gains insight into his creative process and the inspirations behind his artwork. Santos’ art is complex and involves 12 to 13 layers of pieces and a long process to complete.

He uses a variety of mediums to create a unique look, including a play on gloss and matt, as well as a fiery middle. Santos also has a painting in his room that is slanted, conveying the idea of imperfection in art and that life is not perfect.

Painting by Daniel Santos

He has a unique approach to painting, using a variety of different mediums and techniques to create stunning works of art.

His pieces are full of texture and emotion and take time and patience to create. He encourages everyone to express themselves through art and push creativity’s boundaries. His work hopes to bring joy, emotion, and inspiration to those who view it those now interested can find out more about his art and see his newest works with the links below
