Welcome to the vibrant world of Marcus Williams — an artist whose journey through colors, anime, and the depths of human emotion culminates in a mesmerizing artistic narrative. At Goodson Gallery, we are thrilled to present an exclusive glimpse into Marcus’s transformative evolution. From childhood inspirations to a nuanced exploration of artistry beyond conventional boundaries, immerse yourself in his compelling story. Join us as we unveil Marcus’s captivating odyssey through hues, emotions, and a profound connection to diverse artistic mediums.

Origin Story

To grasp an understanding of Marcus Williams and his approach in creating representational art, we must first know that it began through the various colors, media and organic aspects of nature he surrounded himself with. As a child, Marcus had a huge interest in anime and saturday morning cartoons, as well as the narratives/stories surrounding them. As many children are subjecting to doing, Marcus in his sponge stage wanted to emulate that. From Mortal Kombat to Dragon ball, these media outlets that surrounded action, combat and vibrant color allowed Marcus’s imagination to run rampant.

However, as subjective as art and art history is, Marcus’s mind frame and psychology was considered rather objective by his peers. Fortunately, this did not hinder this God-given talent, as concepts like duality and ambidexterity began to cloud his mind. This is important to Marcus and his art journey during his teens because it begets clarity of what constitutes as a great body of work; a portfolio of art that extends further beyond academic standards. To translate these ideas clearly, Marcus came to the conclusion that being not only knowledgeable in the nature of the mediums in use were important, but the emotions that would come about from looking at his work were just as vital as well.

The Mind of The Virgo Artist

For example, prior to making his transition into college from highschool, Marcus began reading books like ‘Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain’ by Betty Edwards while continuing realism. The premise of this book was that the analytical side of the brain was associated with the right hand, while the ‘free-flowing’ and ‘organic’ side of the brain was associated with the left hand. At the time, he never knew how significant the human psyche and the different parts of the human brain would perceive art, let alone the it’s creation. This, along with the rare skill of ambidexterity, gave rise to a new mission with Marcus. 

In summary, through the medium of art, he is now longing to become a Magician. 

Even amidst the global pandemic of 2020, being indoors would not hinder his progress. Marcus would then turn to cinema; not just as a means of escapism but to draw upon inspiration from films past and present. This incentivized him to non-verbally showcase to fellow classmates and family members what has moved him in quarantine.

From murals, portraits, abstractions, and even clothing; Marcus is striving to not only create dynamic compositions from a traditional sense, but to invoke audiences to be fully submerged into his work emotionally.

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